Movies of insect behavior
I Mating behavior of Anoplophora malasiaca (Thomson)




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Male mating response of Anoplophora malasiaca toward a glass rod (female model: 35mm length, 12mm diameter) treated with female extract.

Shot Date: 2001/08/05

All right reserved by Fukaya, M.

(1) Male mating trial to a glass-rod treated with female pheromonal extract.

Male and female of A. malasiaca promiscuously mate on the larval host trees, i.e. citrus, willow and plane etc. When a male touches a female with his antennae and/or tarsi, he dashes toward and mounts her, and subsequently bends his abdomen to copulate with her. These successive mating behaviors are induced by contact pheromone components distributed on female body surface (Fukaya et al, 1999).

This movie shows male response to female extract containing sex pheromone.
A male was introduced just in front of a glass rod that was treated with the female extract. Then the male held the rod, bent his abdomen, and subsequently exposed his genitalia toward it.

Reference: Fukaya, M., Akino, T., Yasuda, T. Tatsuki S., Wakamura, S. (1999) Mating sequence and evidence for female sex pheromone in the white-spotted longicorn beetle, Anoplophora malasiaca (Thomson) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Entomological Science 2: 183-187.












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Mating behavior of Anoplophora malasiaca (Thomson)Male mate orientation regulated by olfactory and visual cues.

Shot Date: 2001/08/07[Fukaya (2005) MOMO VideoArchives, momo050921am02b]


(2) Male mate orientation regulated by olfactory and visual cues.

This movie describes a series of experiments to examine female cues which induce male mate orientation of A. malasiaca. [See legend of the former movie (1) for details of this beetle]. The male finds and approaches the female with olfactory cues derived from her. Visual cues also act as synergists during such male mate orientation.

Reference: Fukaya, M., Akino, T, Yasuda, T., Yasui, H., Wakamura, S. (2004) Visual and olfactory cues for mate orientation behaviour in male white-spotted longicorn beetle, Anoplophora malasiaca. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 111: 111-115.

(00:00-00:03) Observation box: A plate lined with a paper sheet (21~30 cm) was stood at 75‹in an acryl box (30 x 30 x 30 cm)
(00:04-00:13) Males straightly walked to upper side if nothing was put on the plate (playback speed: ~2)
(00:14-00:27) Males also walked straightly upward when a black glass rod (female model) was fixed on the plate. (Play back speed: x 2)
(00:27-00:54) When the black model was treated with female extract, males showed orientation (tuned to the model without contact) and arrived to it.
(00:54-01:15) To the white and transparent model treated with the extract, males showed such responses less frequently than to the black model*.
Thus, males locate to females with olfactory cue derived from the females, and use visual cues of female as synergists. (Fukaya et al., 2004).




II Visual pinpoint location associated with pheromonal cue in males of the black chafer, Holotrichia loochooana loochooana



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Shot Date: 2002/05/22
Shot Location: Nishi-henna-zaki, Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan

Visual pinpoint location associated with pheromonal cue in males of the black chafer, Holotrichia loochooana loochooana (2)A male H. l. loochoana landed on and attempted to copulate with an untreated black ball placed 5 cm from a pheromone-treated white ball on Scaevola cericea leaves.

[Fukaya (2006) MOMO VideoArchives, momo040305hl01a]



When white cotton balls impregnated with anthranilic acid, the pheromone released by the female black chafer and untreated black cotton balls were paired and placed side by side in the field, males were observed to make pinpoint landing significantly more frequently on the latter.

Then we tried to examine characteristic functions of visual and olfactory cues in male flight location of H l. loochooana, with results of field experiments with models as visual stimuli and/or the pheromone sources are paired but separately presented.

Movie (II-1)shows a male H. l. loochoana landed on and attempted to copulate with an untreated black ball placed 5 cm from a pheromone-treated white ball on Scaevola cericea leaves.





Reference: FUKAYA, Midori, Sadao WAKAMURA, Norio ARAKAKI, Hiroe YASUI, Tetsuya YASUDA and Toshiharu AKINO (2006) Visual 'Pinpoint' Location Associated with Pheromonal Cue in Males of the Black Chafer Holotrichia loochooana loochooana (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Appl. Entotmol. Zool. 41, 99-104.



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Shot Date: 2002/05/26
Shot Location: Nishi-henna-zaki, Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan.

Visual pinpoint location associated with pheromonal cue in males of the black chafer, Holotrichia loochooana loochooana.(2) Male pinpoint landing on an untreated black dummy 5cm from a pheromone-treated white ball.

[Fukaya (2006) MOMO VideoArchives, momo040305hl01b]




Movie (II-2) shows male pinpoint landing on an untreated black ball 5cm from a pheromone-treated white dummy in H. l. loochoana

The two dummies were fixed above a wooden bar perpendicular to the wind direction on the lown.







(FUKAYA, Midori, Sadao WAKAMURA, Norio ARAKAKI, Hiroe YASUI, Tetsuya YASUDA and Toshiharu AKINO (2006) Visual 'Pinpoint' Location Associated with Pheromonal Cue in Males of the Black Chafer Holotrichia loochooana loochooana (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Appl. Entotmol. Zool. 41, 99-104.



Click here to play (18.3MB, QuickTime)

Shot Date: 2002/05/26
Shot Location: Nishi-henna-zaki, Miyako Island, Okinawa, Japan

Visual pinpoint location associated with pheromonal cue in males of the black chafer, Holotrichia loochooana loochooana.(3) Hovering males in front of a pheromone treated white dummy and an untreated black dummy placed with 20cm intervall.

[Fukaya (2006) MOMO VideoArchives, momo040305hl01c]

When the interval was increased to 20 cm, frequency of H. l. loochoana male landing on the dummies are decreased. Movie (II-3) indicats that hovering males were often observed in front of the two dummies.







FUKAYA, Midori, Sadao WAKAMURA, Norio ARAKAKI, Hiroe YASUI, Tetsuya YASUDA and Toshiharu AKINO (2006) Visual 'Pinpoint' Location Associated with Pheromonal Cue in Males of the Black Chafer Holotrichia loochooana loochooana (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Appl. Entotmol. Zool. 41, 99-104.




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